Essential Instagram Marketing Statistics brands need to know in 2024.

Think Instagram is just for cat videos and influencers? Think again! In the UK, Instagram is a powerhouse platform teeming with engaged users and ripe with marketing opportunities for brands of all sizes. But navigating this vibrant landscape requires savvy insights. That's where we come in! Buckle up as we unveil 30 essential Instagram marketing statistics for UK businesses in 2024:

Reach and Audience

Picture Perfect: 30.6 million monthly active users in the UK (Social Films, 2023).

46% of the UK population use Instagram (Statista, 2023).

25-34 year olds are the most active demographic (30.1% of users) (Social Films, 2023).

54% of UK Instagram users are female (Statista, 2023).

London is the most active city on Instagram in the UK (Social Films, 2023).

50% of UK consumers want to discover new products through Instagram Stories (Fanbytes, 2024).

Engagement and Content

32 minutes spent browsing Instagram daily (The Social Shepherd, 2023).

Reels receive 22% more engagement than regular video content (Fanbytes, 2024).

Carousel posts with all 10 slides see engagement over 2% (Fanbytes, 2024).

Brand Stories have an 86% completion rate (Fanbytes, 2024).

46% of UK users use Instagram several times a day (Statista, 2023).

Entertainment accounts have the highest Story completion rate (90%) (Fanbytes, 2024).

Posts with questions drive 22% higher engagement (Hootsuite, 2024).

Advertising and Performance

Average CPC for Instagram ads in the UK is £1.62 (HubSpot, 2023).

  • If you think that sounds a little high, you’re not wrong! Most industries have an average CPC of £0.80 - £1.10 but competative sectors like finance and fashion will see higher costs.

94% of Instagram's ad revenue comes from mobile users (Meltwater, 2023).

18% of UK users utilise Instagram for product discovery and shopping (Fanbytes, 2024).

56.4% of Instagram's ad audience is female (Meltwater, 2023).

Instagram generates over £3.59b in ad revenue in the UK (Social Films, 2023).

60% of users make a purchase decision based on what they see on Instagram (Instagram for Business, 2024).

Emerging Trends and Strategies

Livestreaming offers increased engagement and purchase intent (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2024).

Personalization is key for maximizing impact (HubSpot, 2023).

68% of businesses report successful influencer marketing campaigns (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2024).

Gen Z and Millennials are the fastest-growing demographics (Social Films, 2023).

Collaborate and Conquer! 68% of UK businesses see success with influencer marketing on Instagram (Fanbytes, 2024).

Focus on authenticity! 86% of consumers consider authenticity important when deciding which brands to support (Sprout Social, 2024).

Embrace user-generated content! 85% of consumers trust UGC more than influencer content (Social Media Today, 2024).

Micro-influencers hold power! 82% of marketers think micro-influencers are more effective than macro-influencers (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2024).

Go local! 80% of users say they prefer to buy from local businesses (Small Business Trends, 2024).

Hashtags still matter! Use relevant and targeted hashtags to reach a wider audience (Sprout Social, 2024).


These 30 statistics have painted a vibrant picture of the vast potential Instagram holds for UK businesses. From its engaged user base to its diverse content formats and powerful advertising capabilities, the platform offers a unique opportunity to connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive real business results.

But remember, Instagram success isn't just about posting pretty pictures and chasing trending hashtags. It's about crafting a strategic and data-driven approach that aligns with your brand identity, resonates with your UK audience, and adapts to the ever-evolving landscape.


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