Top 5 Social Media Marketing Agencies in Bristol (2024)

Looking for the best social media marketing agency in Bristol?

We’ve got you covered.

Most businesses simply can’t get away without solid social media marketing anymore, nor should they want to! But with so many amazing social media marketing agencies in Bristol to choose from, finding the right one for you is no mean feat. To give you a running start, we’ve compiled this list of our top picks.

Read on to find the social media marketing agency in Bristol for you…

What is a social media marketing agency?

So, what exactly is a social media marketing agency? At their essence, these agencies are powerhouses of digital creativity and strategy, turning ideas into impactful social media campaigns. The term 'social media marketing agency' covers a wide array of services. Some agencies might shine in content creation, crafting eye-catching posts, videos, and graphics, while others could specialize in aspects like pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, social media management, or developing comprehensive social strategies. The variety is vast, meaning no two agencies are exactly the same. Understanding this spectrum is crucial in finding an agency that meshes perfectly with your unique social media goals. That's why we've put together this blog – to guide you through the diverse world of social media marketing agencies in Bristol. From content creation wizards to strategic maestros, our curated list is here to help you find the ideal agency to amplify your brand's voice on social media.

Top 5 Social Media Marketing Agencies in Bristol

  1. Tin and Copper

First up, we wanted to talk about… Us!

Hello! We're Tin and Copper, a social media marketing agency in Bristol. We're all about harnessing the power of social media to create positive change and forge authentic connections. Our team is young, full of energy, and loaded with creative ideas that make content not just enjoyable to watch, but irresistibly engaging.

Remember when a pizza flew into Glastonbury festival with a jetpack? That was us, working our magic for Domino's Pizza. But our work isn't all about the wow factor. Take our collaboration with Berghaus, for instance, where we highlighted invisible illnesses in an inspiring film and photo series featuring Gail Muller and Kris Hallenga.

Through our work we’ve lobbied government for environmental change with activist groups, ignited waves of engagement for international brands and helped start-ups just finding their socials feet take a big step in the right direction.

If you're on the lookout for a social media marketing agency in Bristol that's as dedicated to impactful storytelling as it is to top-notch content, let's have a chat.

Services we offer:

Social media marketing (unpaid, organic social marketing)

Social media advertising (paid, PPC social marketing campaigns)

Social media content creation

Social media strategy and implementation

Influencer marketing

Platforms we cover:

Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Snapchat | Pinterest | Youtube | LinkedIn | Spotify


Some of our recent work:


Along with our good friends at Here, Now films, we set sail for sunny Turkey to document the happy chap below having his first ever spin on a waterslide. Marking the 100th anniversary of the water slide’s invention, TUI put out a call for a senior slider who had never experienced the thrill of a rubber ring rapids. Bob anwsered the call and, along with his family, spent a week in the sun as part of a PR and social campaign.


This campaign saw our photographs in every major newspaper in the UK, as well as being shared on socials by Sir Elton John. We’d explain it in more detail, but if you ask us, a jetpack pizza delivery into the iconic Glastonbury festival speaks for itself.


The outdoors is beautiful, humbling, restorative, and healing - if you have access to it. In a campaign spanning photography, documentary film and social media content, we delved into the issues of representation for those struggling with invisible illnesses and why they often don’t feel welcome in the outdoor spaces that could offer them so much.

2. Loom Digital

Loom Digital's team is equipped with the skills necessary for effective campaign execution, utilizing data and analytics to inform their strategies. Their expertise particularly shines in generating measurable results, making them a notable choice for businesses looking to enhance their social media presence in a targeted and impactful way.

Services they Deliver:

  • Social media marketing

  • Reputation management

  • Social listening

  • Data-driven campaigns

3. Caffeine Marketing

Caffeine Marketing excels in developing campaigns that resonate with specific target audiences. Their expertise includes a wide range of services from content creation to analytics, ensuring that every aspect of social media marketing is covered. Caffeine Marketing's approach is grounded in understanding client needs and delivering measurable results, making them a reliable choice for businesses looking to strengthen their social media impact.

Services they Deliver:

  • Targeted social media advertising

  • Social media marketing

4. Soello

Soello, a top-notch social media marketing agency in Bristol, sets itself apart by its deep commitment to understanding the essence of brands. Specializing in getting under the skin of each brand they work with, Soello excels in creating content that's not just visually engaging but rich in storytelling. Their approach revolves around unearthing the unique narrative of each brand and translating it into compelling social media campaigns

Services they Deliver:

  • Social media strategy

  • Social advertising

  • Community management

  • Influencer marketing

5. Ogga Doon

Ogga Doon's approach is client-centric, focusing on understanding and integrating the future vision of a business into their social media and broader marketing tactics, ensuring tailored and impactful results.

Services they Deliver:

  • Social media marketing

  • Social media management

  • Social media advertising

  • Influencer marketing

  • Social media analytics

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